Sunday, February 21, 2010

Warm weather finally!!!

AC finally got to go to the park nd play! It seems like it has been forever since it was warm enough to go out and play....well this weekend was GREAT! We played at the park and rode her wagon around the neighborhood for like 3 hours Saturday! She really enjoyed it! I think the funniest part of the day was after she had been at the park for an hour or so...she climbed into her wagon and settled down for a snack! (Ole girl knew where the food was!) Her goldfish were in a baggie...which she has never eaten out of...usually she has her little snack cup...but I thought we might as well try it since we're outside and it doesn't matter if she makes a mess. She did really well...she ate all of them (of course) and she did NOT throw the baggie out of the wagon once she was finished! So she is not a litterbug! yay!

Today we tried to have a picnic...but it was WAAAAAAY too windy and actually colder than it we ate fast and came on back inside! (Glad we were just picnic-ing in the backyard! ha So we didn't have far to go!)

Today was our first "no nap" day in a lonnnnnng time. Needless to say, she hasn't had that great of a day...poor thing! She fell asleep an hour earlier than usual tonight...we are hoping she still makes it all night and doesn't wake up at 5 am!!! That's way too early!

Hope your weekend was good too! We'll see you guys soon! :)

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